22 September, 2016

How to Use PC Internet Connection with Your Android Phone

This guide will only trade if you have wide your anticlimax and by the whole of a Windows PC. We will not be liable for any damages arising from your act with regard to of this guide. Use the presented flea in ear at your keep risk.
Remember that the generator is further beta software, so expect a lot of kinks and bugs. You can surf via Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Dolphin Browser, during the time Google Chrome complains of not having an Internet connection at some future timetually though it works. Ping and low-level ICMP packets don’t look to work either. Searching on the Android Market limit, anyhow at the moment, it is not yet possible to transform and install apps from the Android Market.
  • A rooted Android phone
  • laptop or Desktop computer running Windows
  • Working broadband Internet connection on the desktop or laptop
  • Android Software Development Kit (SDK) installed on the desktop or laptop (optional but recommended)
Instructions:Download the reverse tethering tools (ReverseTethering 2.30.zip, 3.34 MB) and save the file to your computer. The ZIP file contains AndroidTool.exe (Android USB Tunnel tool for your Windows machine), ADB, and the Android APK (Android USB Tunnel tool for your Android phone).
  1. Extract the ZIP file to a folder on your computer.
  2. Enable USB debugging on your phone by going to Settings > Applications > Development > USB Debugging.
  3. Go to the folder where you extracted the ZIP file’s contents.
  4. Run AndroidTool.exe.
  5. Connect your phone to your PC using a USB cable.
  6. In the Android USB Tunnel window, click on the Refresh Devices button.
  7. From the list on the right of the detected devices, select a Domain Name Server (DNS) to use.
  8. Click the Show Android Interface button. This will install the app and other needed binaries to your phone.
  9. If the Superuser app on your phone asks whether to allow “USB Tunnel,” choose to allow the app. If the process crashes after receiving Superuser rights, close the Android USB Tunnel Windows application and repeat the procedure from the start.
  10. Click on the Connect button on the Android USB Tunnel window on your computer.
  11. Again, if the Superuser app on your phone asks, choose to allow “USB Tunnel.”
Congratulations! You have successfully reverse-tethered your Android phone to your PC.

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